30 November 2015


A garden snail would take 95 years to slide around the world. Garden snails move at a pace of ½" per second.

Polar bears can smell humans from 20 miles (32km) away.

A snail produces such a thick layer of slime that it could crawl over a razor blade without damaging itself.

Moles can dig 75' (22m) of tunnels in a day.

Each head of a rare two-headed snake can fight over food.

A Hamster is able to carry half its own body weight in food in its cheeks.

Using its antennae, a bee can locate an apple tree three miles (five km) away.

Bees cannot fly when it rains.

Net-casting spiders spin a web of thick silk which they use as a net to throw over their prey.

Can you find it?

  There is a 15-letter word hidden within this grid. Can you find it?