16 July 2017

Who Am I?

I am a Scot, born in 1859.

My mother died when I was five.

My father, a lawyer, died an alcoholic in Le Havre.

I was privately educated in Oxford.

Whilst working for the Bank of England I was shot at three times.

I married Elspeth Thomson.

Our son Alastair, nicknamed Mouse, was born blind in one eye.

My book was published in 1908.

Ernest Shepherd, an illustrator, offered to illustrate my work.

Winnie-The-Pooh author A A Milne adapted my book for the stage in 1930.

I died in 1932, aged 73.

Who am I and can you name my book?

Can you find it?

  There is a 15-letter word hidden within this grid. Can you find it?