27 August 2018

The 74th Annual Oxford County Plowing Match

 For well over two years I have provided IT support, encouragement and instruction for a gentleman called Eric Howard. We became acquainted through a One-on-One with Ian session at South Gate Centre, Woodstock. I created a blog for him and over time have copy edited material and uploaded it along with photos and scans to http:ericjohnhoward.blogspot.com
The following post is an example of my work, undertaken on Eric's behalf.

The 74th Annual Oxford County Plowing Match was held Saturday Aug.18 at John Doan's farm 405815 Beaconsfield Road, Burgessville. 22 contestants vied for prizes donated by local sponsors. 
The results were as follows:
Class 1                                                    Two furrows                                                 
1st                                                             Brian Sterling                                                 Chatham
2nd                                                            Don Wilson                                                     Woodstock
3rd                                                            Robert Sterling                                              Blenheim
4th                                                             Glen Sharples                                                Embro
Class 2                                                  Boys and Girls
    (15-18 years of age)
1st                                                             Cole Brodhaecker                                        Ayr
2nd                                                            Matthew Sterling                                         Paincourt
3rd                                                            Ryan Buischetta                                            Ingersoll
4th                                                             D J Christie                                                      Ingersoll
Class 3                                                  Boys and Girls
    (10-14 years of age)
                                      no entries
Class 4                                                    Ladies                                                               no entries
Class 5                                                    Utility three furrows                                 
Flynn Reinhart                                    Princeton                                                        only entry
Class 6                                                  Antique trail plow
    Two furrows
1st                                                             Dennis Royle                                                  Branchton
2nd                                                            Don MacPherson                                         Norwich
3rd                                                            Stuart Rooke                                                  Tillsonburg
Class 7                                                  Antique mounted plows
    Two furrows
1st                                                             Jim Cox                                                             Innerkip
2nd                                                            Hugh Henderson                                          Hagersville
3rd                                                            Mike Lassam                                                  Tillsonburg
4th                                                             Chris Sharples                                                Embro
5th                                                             Harry Humphrey                                          Ayr
Class 8A                                                 Walking plows                                              no entries
Class 8B                                                Riding plows
     Sulky class
1st                                                             Cecil Wells                                                       Paris
2nd                                                            Ted Robertson                                             
3rd                                                            Phil Waite                                                       
4th                                                             Steven Procter                                             
Class 9                                                    Reversible plows                                         no entries
Class 10                                                Mounted plow
     One furrow                                                     
Doug MacRobbie                               Guelph                                                             only entry
Class 11                                                  County and Township Officials             
Ernie Hardeman and Larry Martin competed.

The Nauta sisters,Derika(left),Tina(right)

Sulky plow class:Cecil Wells team(forefront),white team is Ted Robertson,front of Cecil's team is Steven Procter

Class2 Boys: Matthew Sterling(left),Ryan Buischetta,centre,and DJ Christie(right)

Tina Nauta, seen here holding a bouquet of roses, is the 2018-19 Oxford County Queen of the Furrow.

The tiara, sash and trophies were donated by the Bank of Montreal, the sponsors of the Ontario Plowmen's Association. She also won jewellery from Wilson and Markle Jewellers of Woodstock.

As Queen of the Furrow 2018 she will represent Oxford county at the provincial IPM 2019 near Verner in West Nippissing.

Her sister, Derika Nauta, is the 2017-18 Oxford Queen of the Furrow. She will represent Oxford at the provincial IPM next month. This match will be held near Paincourt, Chatham Kent.

Allard and Grietje Nauta are the proud parents.

Can you find it?

  There is a 15-letter word hidden within this grid. Can you find it?