24 June 2018

Ship that sailed

I read about an Oxford student who took part in a number of university boat races. At one time he had a fear of rowing. Thankfully for him that ship has sailed.

21 June 2018


Today found me back at Woodstock Christian School. For the last time I facilitated a number of grade 2 students in the computer lab, as is, as they copied their designated animal to an email; this was then sent to the form teacher. This was the first occasion I have had the opportunity of working with this class. The students were receptive to my instruction, and no doubt, based upon my observation, in September will continue to build on their IT skill.
I have worked, at the then titled JKCS, since arriving in Canada sixteen years ago, and in doing so have spent more time in the computer lab than anywhere else within the school. The room contains many memories for me: learning; instructing; upgrading software and hardware; assisting teaching staff; and troubleshooting. It has been a pleasure and privilege to be part of this faith community.

Can you find it?

  There is a 15-letter word hidden within this grid. Can you find it?