Showing posts with label compiler. Show all posts
Showing posts with label compiler. Show all posts

30 November 2015


A garden snail would take 95 years to slide around the world. Garden snails move at a pace of ½" per second.

Polar bears can smell humans from 20 miles (32km) away.

A snail produces such a thick layer of slime that it could crawl over a razor blade without damaging itself.

Moles can dig 75' (22m) of tunnels in a day.

Each head of a rare two-headed snake can fight over food.

A Hamster is able to carry half its own body weight in food in its cheeks.

Using its antennae, a bee can locate an apple tree three miles (five km) away.

Bees cannot fly when it rains.

Net-casting spiders spin a web of thick silk which they use as a net to throw over their prey.

A.P.S.A.L.M. for January

17 November 2015

Trivia Teasers

What stimulant is found in tea, coffee, pop and sweets?

A stinging jellyfish is also known as what?

Avant-garde describes someone who is:
(a) scandalous (b) cutting-edge (c) retro

A lexicographer edits what?

A shortage of haemoglobin causes what?

03 October 2015

Questions III

Complete the saying: 'If you don't ask you don't ... ?

What duo had an 80s hit with Edge of Heaven? 

Which King of the Huns had a brother called Bleda?

What 2001 Disney film is subtitled The Lost Empire?

Which Italian cheese is made from the whey of Mozzarella?

How many minutes are there in two-thirds of an hour?

Which 60s rock musical was written by Rado and Ragni?

In Norse myth, Thrudheim is the realm of which god?

Questions II

Which US pop star had a hit with I'm a Slave 4 U?

What's the highest rank in the British peerage? 

What is a baby badger called? 

Which Hindu god is known as the preserver? 

Milton calls what place one great furnace in Paradise Lost?

A baseball innings ends with how many players are out? 

The aria Nessun Dorma is usually sung in what language?


What butter substitute comes from the Greek for pearl?

It's All Coming Back to me Now was a hit for which French Canadian singer?

Nils Bohlin developed the three-point seatbelt for which Swedish car company?

26 August 2015

8th Annual Family Fun Day

A sun-kissed Southside Park welcomed a record-breaking crowd of over 1300 to this 8th annual event, co-hosted by Baptist Churches Huron Park and Faithway.

07 July 2015

A further number and letter combination

What is the longest word you can make from each set of letters?
Try and solve the number puzzle.

The solution will be provided later.

A letter and number combination

What is the longest word you can make from each set of letters?

Try and solve the number puzzle.

The answers will be posted later.

Can you find it?

  There is a 15-letter word hidden within this grid. Can you find it?